Smalltalk/X jv branch is a fork of Smalltalk/X developed and maintained by me. This enhanced version includes features that are not part Smalltalk/X upstream nor released by eXept (and likely won't be).
Simply put, Smalltalk/X jv-branch is Smalltalk/X on steroids :-)
- 32bit and 64bit version for both Linux and Windows
- Improved VM with many fixes
- Improved tools like class browser, inspector, file browser, change browser...
- STX:LIBJAVA to load and run Java inside Smalltalk/X
- Mercurial support
- SmallSense coding productivity plugin
- Tools for diffing and merging Smalltalk/X packages
- Much more...
Past project (not actively developed anymore)
- stx:libjava
- CalipeL
- PetitParser Compiler
- DragonFly